Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to check the weather and view forecasts using Siri

How to check weather and forecasts with Siri

Siri not only makes for a great digital assistant but a great weather forecaster as well. With a little help from Siri, you can make sure you're never caught without your umbrella, raincoat, or snow shovel again.

How to check current weather conditions with Siri

How do you find out about the weather? Just ask Siri.

  1. Hold down the Home button to activate Siri.
  2. How to activate Siri
  3. Ask Siri to check the weather. For example, "What's the weather like today?"
  4. Wait for Siri to present you with a weather widget showing today's forecast (as well as a 7-day forecast immediately underneath.
  5. How to ask Siri what the weather is like

How to view a weekly weather or future forecast with Siri

If you care more about the entire weekly forecast, or a specific day of the upcoming week, you can ask Siri to show you that instead, and highlight it for you as well.

  1. Hold down the Home button to activate Siri.
  2. How to activate Siri
  3. Ask Siri to tell you what the weekly weather looks like. For example, "What is the forecast for this week?" or "What's the weather like this coming Friday?"
  4. Wait for Siri to present you with the weather widget, which will show you either the entire week, or the entire week with the specific day you asked about subtly highlighted.
  5. How to check the forecast with Siri

How to check the weather in a different location with Siri

If you're traveling or simply care more about the weather someplace else than you do at home, Siri can give you the same information for another area.

  1. Hold down the Home button to activate Siri.
  2. How to activate Siri
  3. Ask Siri to tell you the weather in another location. For example, "What's the weather like in Chicago?" or "Will it be hot in San Francisco today?"
  4. Wait for Siri to present you with the standard weather widget, but for the location you specified.
  5. How to get weather information at a different location with Siri

How to ask Siri other weather-related questions

You can also ask Siri more practical questions, like "do I need a rain jacket today". They'll call up the same weather widget, but they let you ask what you're specifically interested in finding out.

  1. Hold down the Home button to activate Siri.
  2. How to activate Siri
  3. Ask Siri if you need anything special to prepare for the weather. For example, "Do I need a coat today?" or "Will I I need an umbrella tomorrow?"
  4. Wait for Siri to tell you if you need it or not. Siri will also present you with the basic weather widget, so you have all the information you need.

How to check sunrise and sunset times with Siri

Want to make sure you're up at the crack of dawn, or that you make it home before dusk? Siri can tell you that as well.

  1. Hold down the Home button to activate Siri.
  2. How to activate Siri
  3. Ask Siri to tell you when the sun is setting or rising. For example, "What time will the sun set tonight?" or "What time did the sun rise this morning?"
  4. Wait for Siri to respond with the sunset or sunrise time for the day you specified. Siri will also give you the weather widget, just because.
  5. How to check sunrise and sunset times with Siri

How to get more help with Siri

If you still need help with setting up or using Siri with your iPhone Calendar, or any other Siri feature, head on over to our Siri Forum and ask away!


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