Saturday, May 26, 2012

5 Online Business Mistakes You Should Avoid - Internet Mac ...

Target Marketing

Is your online business not performing as well as you might like? If so, make sure you aren?t committing one of the following online business blunders.

1. Getting caught up in get rich quick hype

This can be a fatal error for your business. The lure of quick money and instant success can cause you to make hasty decisions or fail to properly think out your business strategies. When you fail to achieve success in the length of time promised, discouragement can set in and you may either give up, or, if you have not learned from the experience, hop to the next moneymaking scheme.

To avoid this error, you need to step away from the hype and realize that the only way to succeed online is through hard work and dedication. Rather than believing the hype, a wiser course of action may be to study successful Internet businesses to see what they are doing right. Then you can model their success in your own efforts.

2. Impatience or lack of knowledge

Remember that even those who are not pushing get-rich-quick schemes may, in their eagerness to be encouraging, paint an overly rosy picture about the ease of making money online. One of the most common factors in online failure is being too impatient for success. This can cause you to fail to conduct proper research or to waste time on ineffective marketing activities.

Pretty much, every business uses the same basic procedure to make money. They either have a product to sell of their own or that of someone else for which they receive a commission, and they get this product in front of as many potential buyers as possible.

This means that you will want to monetize every page of your site. Every page should have at least some kind of potential avenue by which you could make money.

Hot, New Apple Computers at MacMall.com3. Failing to identify your target market

The old adage about not trying to sell refrigerators to Eskimos applies here. If you are running a dating site, for example, you would not want to market it to married couples. By the same token, you would want to make sure that there is actually a demand for the products you are promoting.

This is why choosing the right niche is so important. You want to develop a profile of the people who were most likely to be interested in the product or service you offer. Understanding your targets will put you in the best position of reaching them. Having a specific niche is far better than trying to market to the entire world.

Apple focused on a niche in the form of those who demanded ease and simplicity of use in designing ?The computer for the rest of us.? Later, the company directed its efforts towards those who fancied the thought of carrying a thousand songs in their pocket when it developed the first iPod. The rest is history.

4. Failing to test

You wouldn?t roll out a big, expensive advertising campaign without testing it to see if it would work. You would want to start small and work your way up. Testing is the way to avoid wasting your time and money.

How can you test? Try changing your headlines, offers, and the phrasing of your sales letter. Try adding a video or audio sales message to your sales page. There is a lot that you can do online that was not possible in the olden days of print mailings. Also test the target market you are aiming your campaign towards.

5. Spamming

Don?t be lured into sending advertising messages to people who do not request them. The idea is that if just half of a percent of the recipients of the message respond, you can make a lot of money. Don?t contract others who promise to do this. You are associating with some very disreputable people if you do so, and you run the risk of being closed down by your ISP, losing Internet access, being the subject of e-mail and website bombing attacks, and just generally being marked as a spammer.

A professional is concerned about achieving a long-term relationship with clients and prospects. Spam will not help you to do this.

In conclusion?

Business success requires hard work, patience, ethics, a keen knowledge of your market, and the willingness to test and change your campaigns as necessary. Master these things, and you will be well on your way to seeing your business grow and achieving success.

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